With more power per square meter than any other kite in our lineup, the 2019 Turbine is a high-aspect, high-efficiency kite designed for hero-level shredding in wind as light as a mellow onshore breeze.
For years, the RPM was fine-tuned to load, pop and go slack in the air before re-engaging. We had the tuning down to a science, and it helped give multiple freestyle world champions their gold medals. Our mission with the 2019 RPM was to change that - not to eliminate anything - but to shift the kite’s tuning to where we see the sport shifting. At the level the RPM is designed for that means bigger, better, loftier in-air performance. From slack to soar, the 2019 RPM is the world’s go-to kite for versatile freeride performance.
Sale!FREEDOM AT LASST The SST means surf, foiling, freeride freedom. Carve upwind for miles to find the best swell, slash harder than riders half your age, then dash downwind, swap your surfboard for a foil and do it all over again. The magic of the SST is in its amazing drift and responsive handling, even when depowered, sheeted out and drifting downwind. Where any other kite would barely steer at all, or fall out of the sky, the SST drifts like a feather remaining quick and reactive at the bar, almost as if it knows what you’re going to do before you do it.
Sale!• Streamline above-the-bar depower • Below-the-bar swivel keeps lines untwisted • Bomber Slingshot construction • Strongest and longest lasting lines available • Easy, reliable safety release
Sale!• One board to rule all conditions • Slices through chop & rips up wind • Progress quickly with but will not outgrow • Smooth, consistent flex w/ Carbon Bedrock Inserts • Dynamic, durable, hand built wood-core construction
Ride Engine trapetsit ovat saavuttaneet suuren suosion maailmalla heti niiden saavuttua. Todella loppuun asti mietitty trapetsi takaa käyttäjälleen erityistä tukea, sekä liikkuvuutta trapetsin matalan profiilin ansiosta. Trapetsi ei nouse kohti kainaloa vaan pysyy todella napakasti paikallaan. Todella jäykän trapetsin ansiosta leijan veto ei kohdisty kylkiin vaan trapetsi ottaa kauttaaltaan vastaan vedon jakaen sen koko trapetsin alueelle. Trapetsin kiinnitys onnistuu todella nopeasti uuden innovaation ansiosta. Tämän trapetsin tulisi jokainen lajia harrastavan hankkia.
Sale!Cable Park pack laukulla kaikki kätevästi mukaan ja vielä erittäin tyylikkäästi!